Don’t just throw away your woollens thinking you will take care of them when you again need them next winter. After all, these woollens cared for you in the winter season. Also, being lazy in this regard may lead to causing irreparable damage to woollens as this fabric is prone to attack by pests, moths, etc. who lay their eggs in woollen.
So the best time to preserve your woollens for longer life is just as the fall gets over. Cleaning and Packing Your Woolens First and foremost thing that needs to be looked for before storing woollens for a considerable part of the year is to ensure that the woollen is clean. Wash, dry clean or get a professional treatment for the woollens before to plan to store them.
Washing instructions are given on all woollen clothes. Follow them carefully. Storage and Precautions for Storage of Woolen Wear When it come to storage options many are available. You can arrange for cotton bags at your home which act as a good storage device for woollens. Moth larvae don’t attack woollens if they are stored in cotton bags or pillowcases. Readymade bags are also available in the market which is more stylish.
You can also store woollens in paper which is firmly taped. Plastic bags offer a good solution for protection from pests but they are fully air tight i.e. they don’t allow the air to pass in and out. So you need to be sure that your woollens are fully dry before you store them in a plastic bag otherwise these can get ruined. Don’t forget to place moth balls while storing woollens to add another layer of security.
Now days you also have herbal fragments available in the markets which are effective in confusing the insects and preserve the woollens. These fragments are available in sachets and can be placed along with the woollens. Do dry your woollens in sun for at least a day before your actually store them. Also, check for any signs of insects and all because in case you find any you may need to go in for further cleaning or professional treatment of the product.
While your woollens are stored it is a good habit to regularly check for any damage to the fabric and in case you find any insect or larvae immediately kill these and then soak the woollen in soapy water for at least 12 hours in order to kill all the larvae and to drown all the eggs.
This is to be followed if the fabric is washable and if it is not washable then get the product dry-cleaned. On an ending note it is much easier to care for your woollens as and when fall ends rather than going for costly treatments once insects catch hold of your product due to carelessness.
Read More: Taking care for winter wear | How to Look Good in Winter Wear | Washing Winter Clothes